Hookah in Hindi, Shisha in Arabic, Nargile in Tukish, is a water pipe with a Glass based water jar for smoking. It came from originally from India and it gained it popularity around the world especially the Arab world during the ottomans time. The tobacco in the shisha is made of herbal fruits which has fruits flavour and that's what makes it different from smoking because it does not have a bad smell and teh smell do not stay on the person, and it taste good in the same time, even though it is known that it is more harmful than cigarettes. There are some places here in Calgary that have Shisha for example: La Barava, Cafe Med, Narah and Ice Classic and many people go there especially Arab people. The Shisha is very popular in countries like Turkey, Iran Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Paletstine, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunsia, Egypt, Mexico, US, Uk, Greece and it spreading more and more. From begginer smokers even people who do not smoke that much can get them dizy a little bit. In my counrty Algeria there is shisha but it is not that popular like what i have seen in other countries and people do not ask for it as much as in the other countries or maybe because it is just not very popular yet.