Thursday, April 10, 2008
Since i am learning about a new language which is English i started to be more interested about other langauge. i found that there are more than 2700 different languages in the world woth more than 700 dialects. The world started to have different language when some people were giving tongues to the tower of babel and the language that Adam and Eve sopke was not the first langauge. Only in Indonesia there are about 365 langauges and in Africa there are about 1000 langauges, Babers in north africa have a langauge but without a writing form of it.The only country in the world that all citizen of it speak one langauge is Somalia and the langauge is called Somali, however the youngest langauge in the world is Africaans and it is spoken in South Africa and it is mostly developed from Dutch and German, also influenced by other languages. Mandrin is most spoken language in the world followed by English but as a home langauge, Spanish is the second most spoken language. The most dificult language in the world is teh Basque and it is spoken in north-western parts of Spain and South-western parts of france and it is not related to any language in the world. Latin is an old langauge and now it is an offesial language only in the smallest country in the world which is Vatican.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Soccer Team
If anybody know Algeria, he must know that they are crazy about soccer because all the people in Algeria no matter what even if they are good at other sports they mast be good at soccer or at least play it and it is called Bola or ballon which means ball or football and not soccer, i think soccer is a North American name. i have been playing soccer since i was 5 or 6 years old in the streets my city Oran and even my interests went o Tennis and became good it i kept playing soccer and played for teams because it is still in my blood. When coming here to Canada i though i am never going to see anybody playing soccer but i found many people playing maybe no too good but there are great player from different countries. Just couple weeks ago i met a random person that i always see at the gym and he suggested me to join his team that he is starting. There is a Calgary football league , so him and other players are making a new team to join the league and he asked to join them too, so i said yes that will good idea. We started to practice 2 weeks ago every Saturday and every player has pay 220$ to join team which the entrance fees and i have 20$ penalty because i am late for the payment and i am looking forward to play in the league and i hope we win some games. There is another person who was joining the team as well and he is my class mate ..his Yusuf but he is too lazy too come of course he did not pay so i don't think he will be in the team and he is a terrible player anyway big dealllll????
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
MotoGP Qatar Grand Prix

One year and a half a go when i used to live Qatar which i lived there about 9 years and i came here to Calgary, Canada in February 8, 2007. just 6 months before coming there was Qatar MotoGp Grand Prix held in Doha-Qatar and it was called Losail Grand Prix. All the international racers from all over the world were coming to participate in this race. Formula 1 and MotoGp and Rally races are all my favorite because i love cars a lot and anything that is related to them. Me and my friends volunteer to work in couple races as security guards and it was still paid job so it is not really volunteering but i get to see the all the races also the race it self. The best thing that i was able to do is to see the races outside the circuit after racing in casual and take pictures with them also it was interesting to see how they clean the moto cycles and repair them, and not forgetting the Best part of it is that i got to take pictures with models of every racer and company...they were reallllllly hot and sexy and i took pictures with all of them???? It was more a fun job than a working one, and i had one friend responsible of the Limousin's so when ever i am bored i go and take around in the limousine, after that i got problem with my supervisor but it still do it anyway. The down side of the Grand Prix was the weather...if u know Qatar u will know that it is a very hot country and because we had to stay outside all the time so i used to sleep in the food trailer because it was so hot and too much humid, the temperature was around 48 to 50 degrees and you can't leave your bottle of water for 5 minutes and not drinking it because it will be hot. anyway it was a good experience and i got to take picture with my favorite racer and his name is Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) who won the Grand Prix.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Many people may not know about where do things come from or where they were invented and by whom. One thing i know and i want to talk about is the numbers that all the people or most of them use which are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 are invented by the Arabs. i think it is a big invention so all people can count their money...wifes????....and children and their animals of course in that time and if it would not be invented by them probably it would be invented by other later on somehow but i guess Arabs needed it more and they were simply smarter and developed and they are just taking a rest now....mmm???????? One thing that really confuses me is that many Arabic middle eastern countries do not use these numbers and use the Indian numbers and i think is bad idea however they are used in my country Algeria and we do not use the Indian numbers. It is important to know the history of this at least for me but what is more important is to know how use them and I'm trying???
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Solar Energy
this week i had term paper and i chose to write about fossil energy and how it can be replaced by another source of energy like solar energy and by that i knew too many things. fossil fuel and natural resources that we count on to produce all kind of energy can be finished so we have to think about another way generate power and energy or find another source. most of the natural sources are going to last for 50 to 100 years except United States that has backup sources for 200 to 250 years from now. the best way to replace anykind of energy is by the solar energy because we are sure that ther will be sun everyday no matter what even with cloudy and stormy days but the sun is always going to be there, so we have to act smart and start taking advantage of the sun as long as its free ....who knows maybe later or after many years from now we will have to pay for it?????????? not too many people are familiar with this system or maybe they are just trying to ingnore it now because it is expensive and we still enough oil and gas resources but we have to think about the next and after next generations.
Friday, April 4, 2008
We are at the end of the semester of EAP3 and I'm very excited to finish and getting to ready to go to University of Calgary and start regular courses. I made good Friends in the EAP and had very nice teachers and helpful and now i am ready to move on and hopefully i still see my friends and teachers. The semester is almost finished and we are during the spring time but the most exciting thing for me that is summer is getting closer and i can not wait. i have never stayed in Calgary for the summer and i heard it is really hot and entertaining, especially the Stampede. Usulaly i go to Algeria every summer and it is always fun and i never get bored of it. i get to meet friends and remember the best times ever also my childhood. One of the best things also is to go weddings and celebrate the Algerian way and why not meeting a cute girls. going to the beach all this things that i like the most but this time im going to stay here in Calgary and i think it going to be great and i am excited to see stampede because i heard about it alot and i like to experience new things.
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