One year and a half a go when i used to live Qatar which i lived there about 9 years and i came here to Calgary, Canada in February 8, 2007. just 6 months before coming there was Qatar MotoGp Grand Prix held in Doha-Qatar and it was called Losail Grand Prix. All the international racers from all over the world were coming to participate in this race. Formula 1 and MotoGp and Rally races are all my favorite because i love cars a lot and anything that is related to them. Me and my friends volunteer to work in couple races as security guards and it was still paid job so it is not really volunteering but i get to see the all the races also the race it self. The best thing that i was able to do is to see the races outside the circuit after racing in casual and take pictures with them also it was interesting to see how they clean the moto cycles and repair them, and not forgetting the Best part of it is that i got to take pictures with models of every racer and company...they were reallllllly hot and sexy and i took pictures with all of them???? It was more a fun job than a working one, and i had one friend responsible of the Limousin's so when ever i am bored i go and take around in the limousine, after that i got problem with my supervisor but it still do it anyway. The down side of the Grand Prix was the weather...if u know Qatar u will know that it is a very hot country and because we had to stay outside all the time so i used to sleep in the food trailer because it was so hot and too much humid, the temperature was around 48 to 50 degrees and you can't leave your bottle of water for 5 minutes and not drinking it because it will be hot. anyway it was a good experience and i got to take picture with my favorite racer and his name is Valentino Rossi (Yamaha) who won the Grand Prix.
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