his name is Hasni Chekroun, one of algeria's unforgetable singers. Cheb means young and most of algerians Rai singers have it as an artist name. He sang about love, about youth, about poor but he was famous for his love songs that touched all algerian heart. Young generation and old, girls and boys. He was singing about true events that he experienced in his life, and share them with everybody, and his songs dealt specially about youth problems just like his talking to them or about them. His feeling were true and his words were just right and sensitive. He is from the city of Oran, him and cheb khaled and they made Rai music famous and international while that time arabic music did not exist only inside the arab world. Then came after them another singer called cheb mami but that was in the early 1990's. unfortunately he was assassinated in 29th sep, 1994 and the algerian music went down almost stoped, and too many singers quit singing and many of them imigrated to france becuase of the islamic fundamentalist threats. specially Rai singers becuase they say this kind fo music is provocative, and it is mostly about taboo subjects. alomst 6 years or more none of Rai singers published any album after Hasni's death only out side algeria. Rai means (opinion) so all thses singers expresed their feelings through Rai music. They could not express it in that time but after year 2000 things got better and algeria became like before. Hasni is always going to be in algerians heart and we still listen to his music until now, and he still alive with us. we can not forget you!!!!!!
There is no E at the end of my name!!! Just Amin! ;)
coucou mahmoud. Comment tu vas? Je voulais te dire que tu mets beaucoup dans la classe et que tu es sympa!
je voulais dire que tu mets beaucoup d ambiance dans la classe, et j ai oubliƩ le mot ambiance.lol
Nice blog , M !;)
Hope to have a chance to listen to and understand his songs !
I can not underestand why someone kills a singer. those stupid...
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