One of my best experience here in Canada is when i went to Fernie resort in BC. It was my first time to snowboard and actually play with the snow even though i do not like the cold weather and snow, but i really enjoyed it. One thing that i didn't like about it is that i hurt my body alot, obviously because i was falling all the time. when i first learned how to stand up and go down the first hill for beginners i didn't know how to stop or turn left or right , so i hit everyone in my way. Everybody used to stop when they saw me going down because the know they will be in danger, but at the end i learned how to snowboard down the hill and stop. I was very pleased and happy because i learned i a new sport that i did not know before and specially not falling. i am looking forward to try it again. |
For me it was very hard to do snowboarding too.Espessially on the next day...;)
I bet you looked very funny!!! I wish I could see you at that time!!! ;)
I have suggestion for you! Try to improve the sports you already know ( I won't say which one exactly!!! ) then try to learn something new or maybe you are disappointed and looking for something new, who knows?!?! :D
I have never done snowboarding. I want to try it once!
Lucky people :) I think they've got a lot of fun watching Mahmoud's snowboarding :)
That was very kind of you that let me win, but please for next time that you want to let me win, do not be that angry!!! Because if you look angry it is harder to understand your generosity!!! ;) I do need practice for losing, because normally it is a hard thing for me to do!?! Try harder next time :D salam!! ;)
I've skiied for 4 times.
Mahmoud, you were doing the same thing as I did in the snow!!!
But I just did more then you did, I rolled around!!lol
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