Thursday, November 1, 2007


EAP refers to English For Academic Porpuses and thats the course that i am taking in order to get the University Of Calgary with the needed level of english and in this course i got the chance to meet many other students from diffrents parts of the world with diffrent cultures and traditons, we are almost like a big family going through the same feeling and events. they got to know about my culture and i get to know about theirs as well. our class is a mixture of Chinees, Vietnamees, Corean, Russian, Ukrainian, Brazilian, Saudi Arabian ,Iranian , Indounisian and Algerian cultures.i think for all of us it was never a problem that we come from diffrent countries.

i want to say something for students from lecture2 that lecture 1 is way better than yours hehe ;-) , im just kidding?


We will,we will rock U!! said...

hey, dude. when did u take this photo? it's a good photo but no ev'ryone is in\\\\haha...
u say lec 1 is better than lec 2 and ask r urself kidding, i say no, u're supposed 2 be
I'm just kidding?

We will,we will rock U!! said...

by the way, "we will we will rock U" is me,, Nick...hahaha

Oksana said...

Nice picture but I think we need to have one with everybody in it.
By the way, how's Beyonce? Hope you had a fun... :)

ⓞ^ⓞ said...

It supposed to be taken by your phone, right?

Regina said...

This diversity is the part of teaching English that I love the best! I learn so much from all of my students!