This picture reminds me when i used to live in Doha- Qatar. I lived there almost for 9 years and it is a small country and very rich with natural resources like oil and gas and it is one of the biggest oil exporter in the world with very small population. most of the country is deserted outside the cities and it is very good place to drive in the sand mountains if you are risk taker becuae it is very dangerous and scary. That night was a big party going on and it was called dune party. It was in the desert where the bands play their music. Everybody brought his tent to sleep over becuase it was two nights party. You can party at night time and swim in the morning or drive over the dunes. That was me and my friends and it one of the best memories that i have there. The funny thing about that night that we brought evrything to make BBQ for dinner but we forgot how we are going to make the fire because we brought only food. We had to go back to the stone ages and think how they were making fire in that time but at the end we made it i don't know how. it was one the biggest parties ever when there were over 1000 people there and it was just different and alot of fun.
Great picture!
In Niger, we have the Desert of Sahara. It is absolutely immense and beautiful. A fashion runway event has been organized in the Desert of Sahara in 2005. Many international models contributed to the event.
I cannot think about another word except WOW
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